Harebell's Friend
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Original publication: London: The Religious Tract Society, 1914After the passing of Harebell's father, the young orphan is uprooted from her life in India and brought to England to live with relatives. However, her new guardian, Aunt Diana, harbors a deep disdain for children and would prefer to ship Harebell off to boarding school rather than care for her in the family manor.Despite her sense of isolation, Harebell's vibrant imagination endears her to those around her, with one notable exception: Peter, the minister's son, who views her as aloof and pretentious. Their relationship sours further when Harebell's religious convictions clash with Peter's more worldly pursuits, leading to a disastrous incident engineered by Peter.Aunt Diana, already skeptical of Harebell's character, seizes upon the opportunity to further distance herself from the girl. Faced with the prospect of boarding school, Harebell makes a daring escape, only to find herself unexpectedly reunited with Tom Triggs, a figure from her past.What unfolds next in Harebell's journey?
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