Gary's Turn
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    Contemporary Romance
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Gary Newman has loved Olivia Lancaster all his life. They've been dating for a loooong time. It was time for him to hunt her down and take their relationship to the next level. He needed to see if his love for her was real and not that of a young adolscent.With the help of Gary's family and boss, Olivia moved her life to Gary's location. It was time for them to be together. She had waited long enough for him to come to her. It was her turn to go after him.Once they find each other again, it's only a matter of hours before they profess their undying love for one another and begin making wedding plans.Will their family and friends go along with their plans, or try to talk them out of it?Gary's Turn is book 8 of the Spies, Lies, & Rides series. It ends in an HEA and is intended for mature audiences. 18+
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