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Who is the master and who is the slave?

Fugue takes the brave reader into the dungeon playroom of a master and his boy. It's the kind of place where darkness skitters into corners, hiding in shadows where the walls disappear. A boy is chained to the pipes along the ceiling. Hooded, he can only experience the sensations his master delivers with his whips, fingers, tongue ...

But in the boy's mind, a dream state takes him places even the master can't imagine, places where the established pecking order is flipped upside down. As he's being whipped, tantalized, and tortured, the boy takes a mental journey on a late-night train where his adventures are even more raw and erotic than what goes on in this very dungeon.

Come along for the Fugue and answer for yourself the question: who is the master and who is the slave?
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    • Jan-2009
    • Amber Quill Press
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jan-2009
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1634862759
    • ISBN13: 9781634862752

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