Fin's Fixation
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For Finland Heathcliff, it had been an honor to serve his country. Three tours and achieving the rank of SSG in the army had taught him discipline and self-defense. It had also brought out his innate ability to track anyone and blend in with his surroundings. Unfortunately, being part of a top-secret team had left him with dark demons to fight as a medically discharged soldier now living the civilian life.The service may have allowed him to escape a bad situation and make something of himself, but he'd lost a lot, too. And Fin isn't one to do without.Zora Neal had always lived in her books, so becoming a librarian had been second nature. However, being what her best friend liked to call a BBW, Zora's weight had always pushed her to keep distance between her and the opposite sex. It was a lot easier to structure her life around the children's activities at the Chicago Public Library. Love was for other women.However, Zora dreamed of being desired. She loved reading er*tica and dark romance which often had her daydreaming of what could be if a guy would only find her attractive.Can two damaged souls fight for a happily ever after neither of them thought possible?
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2023
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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