Extreme Mind Management - Experiment 47
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A Federal Government experimental laboratory develops a technique to remove all memory and transfer a new memory and background into selected subjects. The experiment XMM-47 has proved to be successful in altering killers to become good tradesmen or janitors to be scientists. The technique is to be used to return convicted military criminals sentenced to Federal Prisons into 'Special Forces' or the 'Faceless Men' of the military, programmed to carry out their duties without question and to the conclusion with no obstructions. If injured their Company will kill and dispose rather than recover. These men are programed alike, look alike and act alike; knowing what each other would do as they all have the same programming. They have no military records, no military number other than a tattooed number on their arms, and no individual names. They are cannon fodder for 'Special Ops' and hold no rank; not even a leader as they are all leaders and followers. The experiments go as planned until deep seated emotions swell to the surface and the scientists go looking for the cause. Finding it to come from the Olfactory area of the brain, they recall all the subjects and remove these emotions. 400 military prisoners are finally brought to the institute for converting into the 'Faceless Men' and a few extras are changed with them.
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2015
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1505921732
    • ISBN13: 9781505921731

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