Earth II
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This Science Fiction saga, splashed across the pages, with humanoids pitched against each other, giving a snapshot of what life was like in the distant future. Here we have Harondo, a half human with super powers pitted against XXT with super duper powers. Once XXT is activated, the nine day wonder, with its illy conceited pride, its mission is to wipe out a pantheon of 1.5 million humanoids until XXT is snowplowed to a stop by Harondo's stellar performance. To get away from extinction, Harondo, along with DR. Raffle Zenlinsky and his daughter Sigamon, faced with evil, snatched the first opportunity to resist and be obliterated or escape to Shangri-La where ever that might be. In a desperate attempt, to find a safety net, they amass 200 space craft, and like a blind fox seeking its prey … they then set off with a nasty fear … and with the devil on their heels … they may become lost in a skimble-skamble. Would they modulate -- pass gradually from one state to another, frantic with anger and frustration, and end like toast dripping with butter or would life throw them a curve, answer their dreams to finding their Shangri-La without the Gotterdammerung of the Zeneiods and end their noble dreams for all time.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2017
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1543227120
    • ISBN13: 9781543227123

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