Decidedly with Wishes
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Bucket List Rule #1: Be careful who finds your list.Oops. As the future CEO of my grandmother's fashion empire, I'm not supposed to want to design a line of fancy dresses for girls with disabilities. But when I pull out all the stops and present my vision to my grandmother, she agrees to let me try on one very questionable condition. The condition? I have to complete every item on the bucket list I wrote in college. Challenge accepted. Only this is the same bucket list that includes going on a date with a hot hockey player, riding a horse, kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower…oh, and finding a husband. The first one is where NHL player Elias Lawson comes in. ***When my match-making mother sets me up with a date for my cousin's wedding, I tell her the only thing I can…that I'm bringing my girlfriend. Except, I don't have one. And I certainly don't have someone who will spend a week with me in Copper Creek, Montana for the wedding festivities. When workaholic Nala Johnson wins a date with me at a charity auction, I think I've found the perfect solution to my problem. Even better when she tells me about her bucket list. Because I'm just the man to help her with it. I mean, how difficult can it be to find her a husband? Decidedly with Wishes is a standalone romance. All the books in the series can be read in any order.
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2021
    • Stina Lindenblatt
    • eBook
    • Jul-2021
    • Stina Lindenblatt
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1777262585
    • ISBN13: 9781777262587

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