Chantilly Lace and a Pretty Face
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Stone Powers needs a wife. Today. Though he hadn't intended to marry -- ever -- the court refuses to award custody of his orphaned niece and nephew to a bad-boy, bachelor father. The only way to keep his family together is a sentence of play-acting at marriage for twelve months with a clause for parole at year's end. So, when the beautiful answer to his prayers literally drops from the sky dressed in bridal white, he doesn't hesitate to say, “I do.”

Supermodel Josie Holland can't believe she's even considering risking her career for a make-believe marriage. True, Stone is too sexy for his boots. But mother to two young children? Diapers and peanut-butter sandwiches? Not in her plans.

Oh, those best-laid plans!

And Stone agrees, for his simple plan takes a drastic turn when he finds himself falling in love with his pretend wife.
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