Breed's Woman
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    19th Century American West
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Sweet Novelette length western romance.

Beth Norenson sold her home in Boston after her father passed and moved to Orange Creek in her Aunt Ellie's house her aunt left her. On the day of her arrival in town, a trapper accosted her wanting to take her for his own. Beth got away and ran smack dab into Breed Anderson who came to her rescue. She didn't care if he was a half-breed and fell in love with him, but could she make him forget his loathing for townsfolk and get the townsfolk to accept him for the man he was?

Breed hated towns and was ready to hightail it out for parts unknow when a pretty woman ran into him. As soon as he gazed down at her lying on the ground and into her emerald eyes, he was smitten. She needed his help to take her to her aunt's place and keep her safe from Byson Wells. He vowed to keep his mind on what he was hired to do, but Beth made him wish for a life he never thought he could have.
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