Attack of the DuluCon Zombies
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Imagine a zombie outbreak occurred at a comic convention.That was the challenge presented to the attendees of DuluCon, which took place at a crowded Minnesota shopping mall in October of 2021. While this convention took place, the mall remained open to regular shoppers, the vast majority of whom had no idea what was going on. As furries and cosplayers wandered the mall, looks of puzzlement passed across the faces of the normal people who happened to be there that day. Writers were asked to use the sights and sounds of the setting: -Pop music blaring over a mother yelling at her child. -Unshaven LARPers selling homemade swords. -Automated reminders of emergency exits. -VR demos and saber duels. -Confused senior citizens.What would become of this place if a zombie infection broke out? The 16 writers that contributed to this volume have ventured to answer that question.
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    • First Edition
    • Barnes & Noble
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN13: 9798765541845

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