Among the Ancients
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When construction worker Bryce Kendlar is pressured into a vacation sailing from Miami to Bimini, he expects the worst of the adventure will be the days spent in close quarters with his ex-girlfriend and his brother's new in-laws. Then he witnesses the strange phenomena of the Bermuda Triangle. Beneath a sky with three moons, some on board the yacht are murdered, others kidnapped, and Bryce faces a surreal adversary who leaves him to fend off death in an alien forest. Despite the dangers surrounding him, he's determined to rescue his brother and somehow return home. A woman lost to the Bermuda triangle years before reveals he must ally himself with Kynly, the Keeper of the powerful sword-staff Sektora, to find his brother. He soon discovers Kynly has seen him in visions of their world's future, visions of destruction and despair. With no idea why, Bryce becomes a target for those who kidnapped his brother, and he is left powerless to do anything but stay with Kynly and the Nalus Knights she leads in the battle against their foes. The adventure Bryce finds himself tangled within on the other side of the Triangle will leave him changed forever…
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    • Jul-2009
    • Star Publish
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1935188062
    • ISBN13: 9781935188063

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