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Nikki Brown's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    41 Books
  • First Book:
    August 2016
  • Latest Book:
    September 2022
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Book List in Order: 41 titles

  • Ever heard the saying hurt people hurt people, well that stands true for Christian and Ivy in this spin off of “Messiah and Reign: Love In The Dirty”. When Ivy’s big secret is brought to light, it turns Christian’s world upside down. With his...

  • “Faithful is the man who gives everything” This serves true for Halo Raynes who gave everything up to make his wife happy. The day she left and told him that it was her or the streets, he knew what he had to do. Now years later Halo is a faithful...

  • Jurnee doesn't know what to do when her world comes crashing down and all of her secrets are revealed. Realizing that she made a huge mistake she's ready to make things right with Halo but will it be too late? Halo and Rae's friendship is growing str...

  • Denari and Krista find themselves in a sticky situation that they may not be able to get out of and it pushes Jaako to his breaking point. Yameka is the one person who can make it all better for him but when he realizes who her father is, things may ...

  • The brothers are surrounded with nothing but drama. They are trying to rebuild their business after and unexpected hit and just when things are starting to look up for them they are hit with another wave of trouble that they may not be able to shake....

  • Asta is a talented and vibrant woman who’s stuck in a dead end relationship with her longtime boyfriend Simon. Asta’s passion is music, she has made her mark on the DJ scene but Simon doesn’t support her career choice and that causes a lot of i...

  • SynopsisAsta’s weekend fling with Ky brings out a side of Simon that she didn’t see coming, unable to escape his wrath Asta finds herself in a life threating situation. Will Ky make it in time to save her life or will Simon succeed in his revenge...

  • The words you are the father was the last thing that Char and Rondo wanted to see. Char feels the severity of the situation and doesn’t know if she will be able to handle it and Rachel’s drama helps to solidify her doubts. Will Rondo be able to k...

  • “Can you imagine what will happen if you gave a worthy man the love and loyalty that your giving this man that don’t know what to do with it?” is a question that Azayah can’t answer. For as long as she can remember her loyalty has been with K...

  • To love, honor and cherish are the vows that Ocean clung on to when she married her first love Bryce Charles. What Ocean didn't know was that Bryce had his own meaning of the word marriage and faithful was nowhere in his vocabulary. Knowing her worth...

  • Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see, only thing is the sight before Lucas is one that may cause him to do something that he'll regret. His love for Ocean and the news of the baby they created may be the only thing that will sa...

  • In this last installment of I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla, the Sharp brothers are hit with a ton of family secrets that threaten to tear them down along with everything they've built including their relationships with Ocean and River. Times like t...

  • Laurence Marks was determined to be more than the life that was forced on her after her father was gunned down in front of her on her fourteenth birthday. With a mother that sought solace in a liquor bottle, Lala had to not only take care of herself ...

  • Being stuck in the middle of her two best friends has Lala feeling like the weight of the world on her shoulders. Trying to get Miracle to see her wrongs in this horrible situation is draining but not as draining as trying to get Mira to see that she...

  • In this last installment of the Key To The Heart Of A Boss, relationships and friendships are under attack. Wood and Xavia's relationship is finally starting to see the light until both of their pasts comes back to haunt them. With Ex's everywhere th...

  • ""Every action has a reaction, it just may not be the one you want."" Xavia and Wood find themselves in a sticky situation when Shareem stands true to her word to never let them be together peacefully. With their love on the line and their freedom at...

  • Nothing in life is free, everything comes with a price and no one knows that more than a witch approaching her 21st birthday. Shya has always embraced her witchery, and she knows that it's her time to give back to the universe for blessing her with m...

  • Two wrongs may not make it right but it sure feels good. Wai and Lorren have been together for six years and their relationship has never been ideal. Lorren cheats on Wai, she loves him so she stays and to cope with his infidelity she has an affair o...

  • Vexler "Vex" Streets was raised to be loyal before anything else, but he soon finds out that not everyone is cut from the same cloth. After losing everything and everyone that was important to him, Vex is back on the streets and ready to live the lif...

  • Part 1 and 2 Combined "A man that finds a wife, finds a good thing. A man that finds two wives finds his heart." This stood true for Menace Lyles, he never thought that he would find a love so pure until he met Jersey who was battling demons of her o...

  • Kahleno Maler has, tried love once before with the mother of his four-year-old son, Kahlil. He thought that maybe he had found the one to spend his life with until she was caught red handed, being disloyal. It was then that Kahleno felt that maybe it...

  • When Sutton walked into Kahleno's life he knew that she was it for him and he vowed to never let anyone come in between that, not even her father. On a mission to show Sutton that her father is wrong, he runs across a few issues of his own and they c...

  • While the rest of the family are at the restaurant sorting out family secrets, Kahleno and Sutton's lives hang in the balance. Will they make it out alive or will the love that they have for one another be proven by the ultimate sacrifice?It seems as...

  • Icelynn's worst fear has come true when Salem gets his hands on Isis. Knowing the kind of man that her ex is, Icelynn fears for her daughter but AD is right there by her side ready for whatever. In his heart, Isis is a Maler, and everyone knows what ...

  • *******This is a RE-RELEASE******** Complete Standalone Novel! Vexed, guarded, and full of hate, in a world filled with lies, deceit and drama!!! Vexler “Vex” Streets was raised to be loyal before anything else, but he soon finds out that not eve...

  • Asta is a talented and vibrant woman who's stuck in a dead end relationship with her longtime boyfriend Simon. Asta's passion is music, she has made her mark on the DJ scene but Simon doesn't support her career choice and that causes a lot of issues ...

  • ***This is a Re-Release of Something About The Hood In Her***Sometimes LUST can get you into things that LOVE can't get you out of.Vinny's love for Cami is unlike anything that he has ever felt before but in his heart, he knows that he's not ready to...

  • Growing up in a two-parent household, set the foundation for what Airy wanted for himself. He thought that he had that with Constance until she did the unthinkable. Deciding to put his plans for love on hold, Airy threw himself into his work and mean...

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    kis·met/ˈkizmit,ˈkizˌmet/noundestiny; fate.Love is something that Destiny Stutz has learned to put on the back burner. Heart break at an early age force her to pour all her energy into her family and her career. Even though she's ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Nikki Brown has published 41 books.

Nikki Brown does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, As If You Could, was published in September 2022.

The first book by Nikki Brown, Messiah & Reign 2, was published in August 2016.

No. Nikki Brown does not write books in series.